Nashville Noise Ordinance – For the Record

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Updated: Dec 8, 2021.

Town of Nashville – Current Noise Ordinance Ordinance 2012-14

Ordinance 2021-07 (Link) Town of Nashville Ordinance Regulating Sound –draft #1

Brown County Matters – Facebook Post (of this post). Nashville NOISE Ordinance and Outdoor Music – Changes needed? The topic was discussed at the Town Council Meeting on Nov 18, 2021. This is a quality of life issue for residents. And, it’s understandable that a business catering to the tourist industry would want an entertainment option that increases sales of food and alcohol. What are the priorities?  What is Brown “County’s” Economic Engine? Spoiler Alert: It is NOT tourism.

The desire for outdoor music in Nashville has been expressed by business establishments catering to the tourist industry.  Hard Truth Hills built an outdoor music stage in 2019 that received numerous complaints from surrounding residents.  Modications to the stage were made in 2020 but have not resolved the complaints.   

A Noise Committee was established  in 2021 and being led by Town Council member Nancy Crocker.  However, no meetings have been scheduled and email is being used initially to share information on proposed changes. At the Nov 18, 2021 Town Council meeting, resident Deby Rogers expressed her oppostion to the “email” option and wanted actual committee meetings.

Ms. Crocker stated that making “no” changes to the exisitng ordinance is a possibility. The emails have included ideas (below) on possible significant changes to the ordinance:

    • IDEAS for Changes – Town Noise Ordinance  (distributed via email).”..It shall be unlawful under this ordinance to: “Intentionally create sound/noise louder than 90 decibels between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday or between 11:00 p.m. and 7 a.m. on Friday or Saturday.”

Nov 18, 2021. Town Council Meeting – Noise Ordinance – Audio

    • Comments from residents:  Deby Rogers 1:50:30 to – 2:03  and Brandon Harris: 2:07 – 2:21
    • Nashville has an existing noise ordinance that is not being enforced and difficult to enforce. Complaints after 4:00 pm are managed by the county sheriff – not the Nashville PD. The county does not maintain records on calls and disposition.
    • Issues of excessive noise caused by motorcyles was also discussed.  This was the issue that prompted development of the ordinance.
    • The application to build a stage was approved by Nashville but no application was approved allowing outdoor music, Nor was there an application for an RV Park.
      (Ref: Nov 18, 2021 Town Council Meeting)

Nov 4, 2021. Town council approves short-term noise ordinance committee.

July 7, 2021. Does town still need a noise ordinance? Feedback wanted on changes.

June 3, 2021.  Hard Truth Hills requests changes to noise ordinance by 

    • It’s nighttime porch-sitting weather again and pandemic restrictions are waning.
    • The result: Live outdoor music is coming back in a big way in Brown County.
    • Three owners and a vice president of Hard Truth Hills approached the Nashville Town Council on May 20 to ask for modifications to to be made the town’s noise ordinance or a new ordinance to be written, taking into consideration the impact that live music has on Nashville’s and Brown County’s culture and visitor draw.

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